

To respond to challenges 和 operational efficiency pressures accelerated by the p和emic, 政府转向人工智能等数字技术, 物联网, 边缘计算

阅读更多马克斯的文章 & IDC关于政府,发现: ALE-IDC网络安全趋势和政府见解

政府 全球面临新冠肺炎引发的重大变化, 不断变化的政治格局, 以及国际黑客和信息操纵的企图. To respond to the transformational challenges 和 operational efficiency pressures that have been accelerated by the p和emic, 各国政府正在投资人工智能等数字技术, 物联网, 边缘计算.

Technology innovation has become an imperative to empower governments to make intelligent decisions about planning 和 monitoring the outcomes of critical COVID recovery programs, to deliver 数字服务 that make the bureaucracy invisible for citizens 和 businesses, 并改变公务员的体验.

根据IDC, by 2024, 30% of agencies will invest in intelligent 和 prescriptive intelligent digital workspaces supported by digital-led operating models ; also, by 2025, 30%的城市将通过物联网实现自动化, AI, 和 digital twins to blend the physical 和 digital 和 improve the 远程 management of 关键基础设施 和 数字服务.

The government innovation journey must begin with reimagining the art of the possible of public service 和 how front-line civil servants can be empowered by technology to deliver more responsive, 每天对社区产生影响的高效服务.


Exploring the Art of the Possible of Public Safety, 国防, 和 Public Service

让我们看看代理 公共安全 操作控制室. 利用人工智能等技术, 物联网, 边缘计算, 移动和BYOD, 还有摄像机, 五年后他们的日常生活将会大不相同. Once an event happens, advanced video analytics deployed at the 物联网 边缘 will trigger an alert. 这将自动发送紧急通知. Augmented reality apps 和 collaborative tools installed on patrol officers' mobile devices will coordinate the different first-responder crews. 由随身携带的摄像头收集的数字证据, 无人驾驶飞机, 和 real-time integration of social media feeds will be automatically tagged 和 archived 和 be easily searchable for investigators.

国防 物流工程师正在向预防性活动过渡. 嵌入军事装备中的物联网传感器将有助于监测磨损情况. Machine-learning algorithms will prioritize maintenance jobs 和 send them via api to asset tracking 和 management solutions to automatically issue work orders to 3D-print spare parts. Within a few hours the maintenance specialist will carry out the repair supported by secure, 远程, collaborative work capabilities that ensures that all assembling 和 testing is done properly. The operational effectiveness of equipment will be dramatically increased 和 the opportunity costs of it sitting idle will be minimized.

同样的技术可以革新治安和 防御操作 will transform the public services that citizens 和 businesses consume daily. Municipal social service case managers will have rich 远程 work capabilities that enable them to connect virtually with the families they take care of 和 to ask colleagues that are experts in specific fields, 比如具有神经多样性能力的儿童, 在高质量视频的支持下进行联合病例评估. They will then co-design personalized therapy 和 service plans in a shared workspace. The family will be able to securely access 和 review the plans 和 make sure that any updates are recorded in a secure 区块链.


探索人工智能艺术的可能性, 边缘, 物联网, video, 区块链, 聊天机器人, 和 other emerging technologies can do to unleash the future of government for both civil servants 和 citizens is only the start of the journey. The necessary conditions to realize the benefits of that vision entail three foundational pillars:

•确保 高容量、弹性通信基础设施 that scales through a hybrid of fixed-line 和 wireless connectivity that ensures reliable 和 resilient connectivity from the 物联网 边缘 to core datacenters 和云.

•扩大 政府部门之间的协作 以及能够无缝远程访问工作空间的机构, 视频协作, 和 working practices that enables governments to innovate service delivery.

•部署 网络安全工具和策略 that protect data in transit 和 at rest against external attacks 和 reduce the risk of human errors that lead to data leakage 和 loss.

政府 IT leaders that take the long-term view to drive these investments will enable their agencies to seize the once-in-a-generation opportunity that COVID recovery offers them to increase productivity 和 make the bureaucracy invisible for citizens 和 businesses. 落后者将提供低效的服务,浪费纳税人的钱.




Guest blogger Massimiliano (Max) Claps is the research director in European IDC 政府 Insights team. His research empowers technology suppliers 和 public sector professionals to embrace disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, 边缘计算, 和云, to realize the benefits of strategic initiatives such as smart cities 和 citizen-centric government services. 他也是IDC欧洲的首席客运分析师, advising stakeholders across the transportation ecosystem on topics like mobility as a service 和 intelligent traffic management.

马克斯·克拉普斯在公共部门有近20年的工作经验. 他的职业生涯是从管理顾问开始的, 他于2002年加入IDC,担任政府首席分析师, 医疗保健, 以及欧洲的教育产业. 之后,他在Gartner和IDC担任过各种分析师和管理职位. In those roles he advised technology suppliers 和 professionals in the public sector globally. Max spent two years at SAP, w在这里 he was the global lead for the SAP Future Cities program.

Claps holds a degree in international business from Bocconi University in Italy.





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